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2012 A&S Hall of Fame Inductee Jim Duff visited the Currents class on…

On Thursday May 3, 2012 a reception was held for the retirement of History Professor Daniel Rowland. His speech was entitled "A Charmed Life."
Explore the inner workings of the American political system just before the 2012 election starts heating up in the Fall. This course is an…
This course examines American history from 1877 to the present: political, economic, and social—Gilded Age, Progressive Era, New Deal, Age of…
Undergraduate students in UK's Department of History share their insights on why they chose history as their major, and many of the experiences that…
Ron Eller is a professor in the department of History, where he specializes in Appalachian history. In this Dean's Channel video, Professor Eller…
Ron Eller is a professor in the department of History, where he specializes in Appalachian history. In this Dean's Channel video, Professor Eller…