Alli Peoples graduated in spring 2018 with her bachelor’s degree in International Studies and Spanish. Upon graduation, she moved to Madrid, Spain, where she is currently working as an English Language and Culture Assistant at the bilingual primary school, CEIP Lepanto. At Lepanto, Alli not only plays an active role in English instruction in the classroom in multiple subject areas, but also in helping students to develop a multicultural mindset. In her words, “being an International Studies major helped me develop a foundation of knowledge that gave me the confidence to pursue a job abroad.” She believes her ability to help cultivate this mindset in her students was greatly enhanced by her coursework as an International Studies major, which helped her to first understand the shared values and identities of her own culture and then employ this knowledge to develop an understanding and great respect of others.
Through the International Studies major, Alli was able to combine her academic interest in international relations and political systems with her passion for the Spanish language. On campus, she became involved with the Language Services Department with UK Healthcare where she observed patient-interpreter relationships. This experience not only highlighted the array of opportunities available for international studies students as postgraduates, but also readily prepared her to be successful in her role as a Sports Management Liaison Volunteer during her time studying abroad in Granada, Spain, during the fall 2017 semester.
During her last year of studies at the University of Kentucky, Alli also gained an in-depth understanding of Spanish politics. For her senior capstone she prepared a multidisciplinary research paper regarding the Catalonian Secessionist Movement. Alli's research on this issue, however, did not end upon graduation. Now living in Madrid, her studies have allowed her to engage with coworkers, while asking profound questions that help her understand and connect with the world around her.