To apply for admission to Graduate Certificate in Public History:
1. Any student who is currently enrolled in a UK graduate program is eligible to apply for the Graduate Certificate in Public History. Interested graduate students should first contact the certificate directors to discuss the program and the likelihood it can be completed alongside the student’s degree program.
2. Applications should be submitted to the University of Kentucky Graduate School’s admissions portal at
3. Application requirements:
Updated CV
A copy of the student’s unofficial UK transcript
One recommendation from the student’s graduate advisor
Personal Statement, 1-2pp. in length: The statement should explain how the certificate will serve the student’s academic and professional goals and describe the student’s plans for fulfilling the certificate requirements without delaying their time to degree.
4. Deadline: Applications must be submitted at least 30 days before the start of the semester of enrollment in the program. To learn more about the application requirements, please contact Dr. Amy Taylor, Director of the Certificate in Public History, at